
Through a blend of verbal and non verbal communication, energy work, vocal toning, and more, we will initiate the process of unraveling sacred pathways towards self-discovery and transformation. Together we will reveal what is asking to be seen with unconditional love so it can be transmuted from an energy that is distracting you from your true heart’s desires to a frequency that can easily commune with your universal self for your soul’s highest evolution.

90 Minutes

Initial Sessions

Initial Sessions/$250: reveal at the core, what spiritual transformation one’s soul is actually requesting. Together we begin to unravel a path for one’s healing journey to begin through verbal communication and or energy work, sound healing, and more.

60 minutes


Follow-up Appointments/$175: are used to continue to do the necessary clearing that enables the client to begin to learn how to gain their own clarity to create their own shifts in their perspectives, beliefs, emotional patterns and responses to life so they can learn to direct their attention and energy towards their true hearts desires.


Through a blend of verbal and non verbal communication, energy work, vocal toning, and more, we will initiate the process of unraveling sacred pathways towards self-discovery and transformation. Together we will reveal what is asking to be seen with unconditional love so it can be transmuted from an energy that is distracting you from your true heart’s desires to a frequency that can easily commune with your universal self for your soul’s highest evolution.

90 minutes

Initial Sessions

Initial Sessions/$250: reveal at the core, what spiritual transformation one’s soul is actually requesting. Together we begin to unravel a path for one’s healing journey to begin through verbal communication and or energy work, sound healing, and more.

60 minutes


Follow-up Appointments/$175: are used to continue to do the necessary clearing that enables the client to begin to learn how to gain their own clarity to create their own shifts in their perspectives, beliefs, emotional patterns and responses to life so they can learn to direct their attention and energy towards their true hearts desires.